Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Friday Frenzy

So I just got back from a lesson we ended not going up in the air for the weather wasn't up to par. But we did fly in the sim and I was taught how to do basic ILS approaches which was fun. I knew most of the stuff but the thing was I had never done one manually all the way like I did. I would always A/P it on my Flight Simulator. Lazy I Know. But anyway my instructor is going down to Sporty's Flight School Airport to get one of the Flight Schools Fleet worked on and asked e to come along. So I am going with him Friday and get to miss school. It will be fun I have never gone on a longer trip than just around my area in a Cessna so it will be an adventure. We are leaving at 7:30ish and be back some other time.
Until Next Time,

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