Saturday, February 7, 2009

Going on a Trip

Yay, today my mom booked her and I a flight to Portland, Maine so that we can go visit my Uncle that lives in Kennebunk, Maine. I love Maine I cant Waite to get my private pilot license so I can fly the coast line of Kennebunk it is beautiful. So anyway we will be going on NWA which is alright. Hey what ever the cheapest is right ha ha. We will be going next month from KCMH to KDTW, then from KDTW to KPWM. In a Canadair regional jet 900 on the way there, which I'm really happy about because I want to fly planes like that when I'm older. On the way back we will be in a DC 900 which is even better!!!! When I actually go on the flight ill try to get video of it so i can put it on here. Anyone ever flown this route before or something like it comment and let me know how it was like.
Until next time,
Ian H.


Nicole said...

Have fun on your trip! My husband flies the CRJ-900. It feels like luxury compared to the Cessnas he trained in a few years ago.

Ian said...

haha ya